Posted on: April 15th, 2017
With the development of internet even existing students can write essays for money. This is a good way to make money on the side as far as financial problems of students are concerned.
This person born in England applied to Oxford University at the age of seventeen but got rejected. This person ended up getting accepted in another university and qualified as a B. A. She faced an abusive marriage and had a miscarriage at the age of twenty-seven. The next year she had a daughter and also got a divorce. Being jobless and penniless at the ripe old age of thirty she fell into depression and had suicidal tendencies. Today J K Rowling is the only female to be a billion-dollar author. She is one of the only people to achieve billionaire status by writing alone. This just goes to show you that you should never stop believing in yourself. It is never too late to follow your passion to achieve success. If you have a passion to write essays for you maybe you can also achieve this sort of success and stardom. This is just a reminder that you should never stop believing in yourself.
Some of the most successful people in this world were not always so rich and successful to begin with. Albert Einstein considered a mathematical legend didn’t speak until the age of four. The famous author Stephen King’s first work was turned down more than thirty times, his wife was his inspiration to keep him going. Vincent Van Gogh famous painter only sold a single painting in the course of his own lifetime. These are just some real life examples how we see that people who persevered all odds in the face of adversity later on became wildly successful. This is a sign that if you are persistently facing adversity trying to write that last critical essay maybe you too will one day become fortunately victorious. Jim Carrey is another example of a person pursuing his passion who went from homeless to achieving all of his dreams.
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