Posted on: May 7th, 2020
With the advent of digital marketing and social media, the combination of the two has proven to be extremely lucrative for those with the right mindset to exploit these resources expediently. In the past, we have seen companies spending millions of dollars on advertising on television, print media, and radio. However, with the integration of the internet in our everyday lives, online platforms have simply taken top priority amongst many establishments and enterprises seeking to promote their products and services. We are living in a world where influencers can offer you businesses a definite boost in online traffic and sales.
According to a study shared at influencer marketing has grown as big as to a $5-$10 billion market. There are around six major types of influencers, namely mega, macro, micro, advocates, referrers, and loyalists. Mega influencers are at the top including the like of Kylie Jenner, macro-influencers have a following ranging from 100,000 to a million, while micro-influencers have a following of 1,000 to 100,000. So let’s take a quick look at how these influencers especially micro and macro-influencers, can boost your digital marketing strategies.
Video content is perhaps the most addictive and well-appreciated form of media that online users like to go through. In fact, some studies reveal countless hours of online video streaming recorded across the planet regardless of the age factor. Influencers often support their own video channels, the most popular of them being YouTube. With a proper connection, you can ask influencers to post videos about your products and services. There can be product reviews or tutorials. In the end, an online video by an influencer will not only spread goodwill about your products and services but also enlarge the reach and scope of your targeted audiences.
Many decision-makers with buying authority consider reading blogs on the regular. Social media influencers also have their own blogs where they share posts regarding their niche for a like-minded audience that agrees with them. This can be a great resource to promote your product and services further as it can also help to bring in new leads for your business.
Influencers can also help you to develop link juice that redirects traffic back to your websites and social media pages. Whether they share your products and services through a video, blog, social media pages, or a mention on their website, you can ask them to offer you a link back to your website. For more information about link building, you can visit Talk Business and read through their expert views on the topic.
Both micro and macro-influencers are the types of entities that you can outreach for support. You can have mutually beneficial contracts between you and them to deliver a form of affiliate marketing. Many influencers across the globe have their own social media pages and profiles on various platforms as that is where they get the majority of their followership from. With the right influencer, you can request them to share your products and services through their social media channels. This can range from a dedicated post to a slight nudge towards your products and services. With SpamGuardApp, you can remove spam followers from your social media pages and also clean your Instagram profile.
Industry specialists believe that influencer marketing is the future of online digital promotions. We all know how important networking is nowadays for businesses to survive in a rapidly changing environment. Influencers can offer you the edge that you are looking for as they can add the extra punch needed for your company to meet targets and goals on the regular. We hope the above article was capable enough to offer you some meaningful insights regarding how you can use influencer marketing to support your digital marketing strategies. For more questions about the topic, please mention your query in the comment section below.
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