Posted on: February 22nd, 2020
In order for anyone to gauge their true potential and capabilities, they need to measure their own performance against a carefully constructed yardstick. This allows them to gain further insights into their particular strengths and weakness. For students, this essential feedback is critical. When students are able to self-evaluate their past performances, they are able to develop meta-cognitive skills. This, in return, increases their self-awareness, which further helps in improving their critical reviewing skills. Students who are allowed to perform self-assessment also learn to deliver constructive feedback regarding their own actions and past undertakings. In the end, self-assessment promotes a higher form of learning that brings about greater enlightenment for the students regarding their own capacities and limitations.
By sharing learning objectives with students, a teacher can promote the actual cause behind their endeavors to study a new concept or subject. This also makes the study more relatable for the students as they are able to understand the reasons and outcomes involved regarding their subject matter and field of study. Learning objectives allow students to take a more practical and useful approach towards their subjects, assignments, and other relatable tasks. This puts their benefit and outcomes upfront informing them what they will acquire in the end and how it can benefit them in the real world. This also increases the student’s level of enthusiasm to acquire new knowledge and use it to solve real-life problems.
It is a known fact that learning takes a sharp boost when people of similar ages, demographics, and lifestyles interact with each other. Communication between like-minded people is much smoother, and the relay of information for that matter is much faster. Peer-assisted learning takes all these positives and uses them to augment the acquittal of knowledge amongst students. Not only are students able to communicate effectively and in a much more sophisticated manner, but we also observe that complex forms of information can be relayed between students without any discrepancies. Peer-assisted training models are quite pragmatic in the sense that they bring all the students belonging from the same class to the same page. This builds unanimity between students as well as boosts coordination within them. Students can also use Viral Rang to acquire new and up to date information on a variety of subjects to improve their pool of knowledge.
Before you initiate students into the assessment process, the teacher needs to lay down some essential ground rules that will serve as the very foundation on which self-assessment of students will be based on. Hence as a professor, you must create a detailed method or vital rules that govern how self-assessment is to be carried out by students in the first place. You can go online to seek out some fine examples presented by other teachers the same way you would search for Online Computer Tips using a familiar search engine. Once you have come up with a comprehensive plan next up, you should test your hypothesis and make sure that every discrepancy and shortcoming is taken care of. You do not want to derail your students from the actual purpose of the process by presenting them with a vague and poorly developed self-assessment method.
The more attention you pay to each and every detail, the more comprehensive your self-assessment module becomes. For beginners, you should create a vital rubric or checklist for your students to go through once they are asked to self-evaluate their own or a peer’s performance. A thorough and comprehensive checklist can help you determine deficiencies and inadequacies with surgical precisions. Thus your class never deviates from the actual goal of the entire process as well as remain focused on improving their own performances. Plus they can also use this method to help their peers to overcome their troubles. Besides, having a checklist makes everything so much easier and stress-free.
Finally, we can conclude that there are various methods through which you can involve students in the Assessment Process. You can go for peer-assessment strategies or self-assessment strategies according to your own preferences. However, in the end, you need to make sure that whichever method you utilize, your student assessment process should be integrated with your actual plan to make students learn and acquire newer concepts and forms of knowledge. The purpose is to relay valuable information to the students so that they can improve their strengths and work on their weaknesses. In time you will gradually begin to observe how this decision of yours becomes an integral part of the entire learning process.
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