Posted on: August 26th, 2019
Do you find your thoughts cross your mind at the speed of light during exam season? Do you feel your heartbeat faster at the mere mention of the exam schedule? Does the thought come to mind that you might ‘not be able to do this?’
A sign of being healthy and prosperous is to be nervous, enthusiastic or apprehensive at the time of taking any exam. This trepidation can also be related to as the fight or flight response and the adrenaline pumping in your veins. But if you feel the same apprehensiveness before the exams, there is cause for concern.
Any form of anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, or fear associated with the mention of examinations or academic assessments is a definition of exam anxiety. Exam anxiety is a form of performance anxiety. Each person feels test nervousness differently. A person with powerful nerves fully prepared for academic assessments might positively feel test panic, like a runner before a race. The discomposure might help the student perform confidently during the exam by giving them a boost of energy.
An individual with weak nerves and inadequately prepared for the educational quiz can quite possibly go in to shock. Due to the impact on their nerves, their performance in the academic assessment dwindles. There are two different types of exam anxiety. There is a mild form of exam anxiety, and there is extreme exam anxiety. Both can cause cognitive and physical side-effects. Talking about the workload and pressure can help students.
Students may experience a mild form of anxiety when they know that their final exams are just a few weeks away. Students do not feel anxious at the mention of all of the subjects of their participation. A scholar’s favorite subject or subjects which the pupil is ready to perform in will not become a source of nervousness. Similarly, a learner with a laid-back attitude towards learning might not experience minor exam anxiety when the exams are still a long way off.
Hard-working students interested in accomplishing academic goals to be happy in college are influenced more by minor exam anxiety. A majority of these pupils may suddenly feel dazed, confused, or lost in space at the mention of their upcoming academic assessments. Short term memory loss is not uncommon, forgetting where you put your keys, glasses or mobile device. Students who have experienced a head injury might perceive minor exam anxiety more than others.
Elevated exam anxiety occurs when there are just a few days remaining for the examinations. It can also happen during the exam. This form of anxiety has simultaneous cognitive and physical manifestations. When only a few days are remaining for the academic assessment, students may have trouble falling asleep at night. Some students may have nightmares during their sleep. Other pupils may experience a loss or an excessive increase in appetite.
Constantly feeling apprehension even when you have scheduled a time for relaxation is another symptom of elevated exam anxiety. Getting a cottonmouth at the mention of the next scheduled is also typical. Depression, hopelessness and disturbed bowel movements can also be associated with elevated test apprehension. Some students may begin to give more preference to their mental state-of-mind without any concern for their physical appearance.
Maintaining a healthy diet is going to be especially tricky for people who are excessively underweight or overweight. There are plenty of factors which need to be taken into consideration when designing a healthy diet. The first is to make sure that your meals are healthy. Make sure you are getting nutrition from all the four primary food groups.
During exams, try to limit your intake of artificial foods and drinks. The limitation should include meals which have excessive amounts of sugar and caffeine. Sugar and caffeine can make a person even more agitated and restless. Try to schedule your meals at the same time every day. With a schedule implemented, you will begin to feel hungry at approximately the same time each day. There is no harm in treating yourself once you have completed an exam.
Not getting enough sleep can wreak havoc on a healthy individual’s mind. Long ago, there were torture techniques where the individual was not allowed to sleep for days on end. The sleepless person was then asked questions to guarantee the truth. Today those techniques do not exist. When we do not get adequate amounts of sleep, using electronic devices can feel quite similar to torture. Institutes debate using the latest school management software for this very reason.
To overcome sleep anxiety, schedule your sleep timings at the same time each day. Teenagers need about eight to ten hours of sleep every night. Avoid staying up all night cramming. You will forget most of everything you learned after a good night’s sleep. In contrast, studying early in the morning after a good night’s sleep is the best way to retain what you studied.
Accomplishing some physical tasks becomes a matter of paramount importance. The body challenges the extent of its abilities every time we perform physical exercise. The more we become lethargic, not only do our physical abilities subside, but also our mental capacity withers. Playing games forces the mind and the body to work simultaneously. Carrying out physical activities puts us in a situation which compels the brain to make split-second decisions based on your physical abilities.
Organize your timetable to include daily and weekly physical exercise sessions. On the appointed day of your weekly exercise schedule, you will notice that you feel more energetic. Exercise also helps clear your mind, especially if the work out involves other people. Interacting with the natural environment also boosts your immune system. Once your workout is complete, you will notice that your memory functions better now.
From the day you receive your exam timetable to the time you receive your grades, managing a practical series of events is your most priceless asset. Before you begin scheduling your activities, identify your main distractions and do your best to eliminate them. If there is anything you do not understand, get it clarified from your teacher instantly. Waiting to ask a question only leads to more doubts.
Create a daily and weekly timetable outlining your goals for the day and week. Include time for all the activities mentioned above. Unfollow everyone on social media except for the people you meet and know. Be practical about what you can and cannot achieve. For all of the academic tasks you receive, write down specific times when you will start and when you will complete the job. Identify what time of the day you are most productive and schedule your most difficult tasks at that time.
Remember that your teachers, educators, and academic faculty members and the professionals at InspiringMeme are there to support you in your quest for good grades. One of the best ways to reduce exam anxiety is by talking about it. Do not hesitate to speak to your professor about the issues you may be having dealing with your nerves. Once you talk about it openly, and your teachers share their experiences with exam anxiety, it will help your apprehension disappear.
A majority of students claim that family members often become a source of frustration during their exams. Blood relations often tease and taunt students about their upcoming exams, which becomes an additional source of anxiety. In most cases, speaking to your household about how you feel will encourage them to think twice about their actions. Once you have any one of their support, it will become a boost of confidence for you.
Designate a specific time when you stop studying each day. Every individual has a unique personality. Some people enjoy listening to classical music in their free time. Other people like to go for a walk next to the seaside. Some students enjoy the physical company of other intellectuals like themselves. You must dedicate some time each day to help you relax.
Spend at least 45 minutes each day doing something you enjoy. Spending time on social media does not count as a relaxation technique. Students facing exams soon should only check their social media two to three times a day. Playing table tennis, billiards, snooker, or cards with a bunch of friends can help you relax. If you are going to spend time with other people, make sure that they are civilized and cultured individuals. As the saying goes, a man is known by the company he keeps.
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