Posted on: November 23rd, 2017
How to change words to avoid plagiarism is the main concern of every student who has to submit academic assignments. The definition of plagiarism according to Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary is “the unauthorised use of language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own”. Students guilty of plagiarism can face serious consequences. The academic future of that student will be tarnished. A Durham Dean was suspended for plagiarising at the University of York. Almost all coursework writing services claim that all their composition is completely free of plagiarism. Are they simply using state of the art software to change words to avoid plagiarism?
If plagiarism was not an offense, students could claim that they actually authored Newton’s theories by themselves. All they would need to do is to change wording to avoid plagiarism and repetition of words. Teachers would not need to verify the authenticity of their student’s work if plagiarism was not an offense. This could lead some teachers in to assigning no homework at all since the purpose is defeated. This is the very reason why plagiarism is a crime because if it weren’t a crime, the entire purpose of education would become futile. Educational institutes would simply be dispensing instructions and easy homework tips for kids rather than meaningful education. It would also become also impossible to gauge the true potential of a writer and their capabilities.
Composing the contents of business coursework scholars must employ the appropriate referencing techniques to cite sources which they have used in the composition. Each referencing technique has its own unique style. Institutes will often assign particular referencing techniques for specific subjects. Other teachers may allow students to change wording to avoid plagiarism in such a way that as long as you mention the name of the original author it will be acceptable. Some students may even procure the assistance of assignment composition facilities such as MHR Writer to produce completely unique and replicating original academic standards of zero plagiarism. Before actually beginning to compose an essay, read the instructions completely for the task. There will be information about which referencing method to use in the composition. If there is not, ask your teacher which method to use.
Academics are not the only field suffering from this plague of plagiarism. Living in the modern age of communication, media has also been subject to plagiarism. Ideas, stories and even the background music can be plagiarised. Identifying plagiarism in the media industry is much more difficult than it is in scholastic circumstances. Scholastic circumstances are ideal for catching people who have plagiarised. On the inverse, the media industry is ideal for the person who wants to plagiarise. It is all the more difficult to prove that a certain publication is plagiarised or borrowed from another publication. Check out the eleven famous plagiarised songs you wouldn’t believe were plagiarised. It took the public quite some time to catch up to these people and find out the deed they had done. Some of these people actually cashed in before finally getting caught.
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