Posted on: July 22nd, 2017
The world is going through a phase when every institution and government is asking the same question. How can we improve the standard of teaching implemented by various academic institutions? The success of institutes and teachers results in the success of their disciples. The success of their graduates means that the whole country and the economic system will prosper. Most nations have associated the importance of research in education into their government schools and colleges. These are the countries which are progressing leaps and bounds compared to their counterparts. Their neighbours and counterparts will have to deal with difficult situations.
Posted on: July 19th, 2017
"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." These were the words of Buddha when trying to provide a rough representation of how helping others in need can have no negative consequences. Some say happiness multiplies when shared. Others are still not so keen on becoming helpful to anybody but themselves. Does helping others have any physical impact on the well-being of a person other than the short-lived emotional influence? Let.....
Posted on: July 15th, 2017
Everyone's time here on earth is limited. Nobody knows whether they will live to see tomorrow or not. Sometimes we do the things we enjoy and the things we have to do no matter what. It is usually the activities which we enjoy the most which we end up losing all track of time and become the source of our tremendous satisfaction. But to lead a healthy and prosperous life with high spirits and peace of mind it is necessary to keep a list of challenges to do in check. The projects which we relish are the ones which.....
Posted on: July 10th, 2017
Tips on how to write a thesis with the least effort to gain maximum marks, is a question which is on all bachelor's and master's students' minds. This is a project which scholars would want to avoid doing over. The repercussions of making mistakes or not planning properly are both time taking and extremely strenuous. Let us look at some pointers on how to write.....
Posted on: July 6th, 2017
Magic has the importance of being able to grasp the attention of an astronomical amount of spectators all at once. There are different branches of magic. Each division displays mastery over a certain feature of the performance. The following is a breakup.....
Posted on: July 1st, 2017
Everybody has a different definition for the word success. For some it might be achieving certain academic qualifications, for others it might mean attaining certain financial ambitions yet others might have their triumph linked to a specific mission. Once students have graduated from college the definition of triumph pretty much stares us in the face every day in the form of expectations from our friends, family and close ones. We know what it is that we want to achieve, but we do not know how to achieve that. The secret to success could.....
Posted on: June 25th, 2017
To completely understand exactly how can lack of sleep affect you let us first define exactly what we mean by lack of sleep. There may be nights when you are facing a list of challenges during education or having a night out with a couple of friends and you don't get the seven to nine hours of sleep as the doctor recommends. A single night of not getting the proper amount of sleep and there is no harm done. Then there are times when you stay up late each night during examinations or trying to complete a project to meet deadlines and you hardly get enough sleep. These days on ends when you do not get the recommended sleep dosage is when sleep apnoea can kick in. Your partner may assume you are getting a good night's sleep while hearing you snoring loudly.....
Posted on: June 20th, 2017
Before we define the process on how to write a good short story let us define exactly what a short story is. A short story is much more concise compared to a novel. It contains much less characters associated chiefly with the main plot. The main plot is going to be the only exercises for concentration improvement which will be available in the short story. A short story seldom has room for a story line other than the main plot. The introduction and the conclusion of the main plot need to be greatly compressed in the contents of the short story. The major portion of the short story will be based on the main body of the composition. The length of the short story depends greatly on the institute which is assigning the project but it is often between.....
Posted on: June 16th, 2017
There aren't any specific official qualification requirements for becoming a teaching assistant. There are some very good qualifications for TA's on the Ofqual website. Some institutes may have particular qualification requirements to become a teaching assistant. One thing is certain there are some intrinsic skills which are required to.....
Posted on: June 12th, 2017
How to improve focus and concentration is of prime importance for students and professionals in today's world. Professionals and students both face countless hurdles & barrier in educational life and in the pursuit of their career. Both the students and dedicated professionals must learn to adapt new and effective contemporary methods to overcome distractions each day. In this article we will discuss various techniques which both students and professionals can apply to do more in less time. We will take into consideration the fact that each person has a different temperament and inclinations. Some of the basic factors that affect.....
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