Posted on: September 5th, 2019
A majority of online marketers make use of guest posting as their content marketing strategy. Over the years there has been a lot of speculation about content marketing, but guest blogging has always been an effective way to promote a business online. Let us discuss on how to create and execute a successful guest blogging strategy and a few crucial tactics on writing a successful guest post.
For those indulging in content marketing as a source of popularizing and expanding a business, guest blogging is a key strategy. It helps in boosting the traffic and in enhancing the content marketing return on investment. In fact, guest blogging is considered as an essential part of the marketing funnel offering expert contents offsite.
Also, guest blogging is an effective way to build brand awareness as the content that one post on other’s websites allow the audience to learn more about the guest blogger. The new readers will visit the website and the landing page, and thus guest blogging helps in attracting new subscribers and in improving lead generation.
Blogging services for small business are an excellent way to build trust. It is on the basis of trust that authoritative websites publish the content. In short, guest posting helps the audience see the blogger as an expert, which helps in enhancing the reputation of the business.
In a guest post, the blogger is given a little space for bibliography along with a link so that they are able to direct readers back to the blog. Most of the newbies have no clue on where they are sending their readers through those backlinks. It is important to take advantage of this linking strategy to funnel new readers towards a specific outcome. The next step is to create a landing page or an ad for the eBook. The best practice is to create a guest post on closely related topics that are related to free giveaway. All these tactics will help in funneling the flow of traffic towards a desired target and outcome.
One of the fastest ways to grow a new blog is to mention other sites that have a big audience in the guest post appearance. This strategy will help bloggers to associate with the experts. Dropping an email or tweet before the guest post will help in harnessing the contact lists. There are chances that these big bloggers will tweet out of the guest post and associate themselves with the content. This is also the best way to promote the host blog. It also helps the blogger to associate with the big bloggers and this type of professional networking will be extremely helpful in placing the guest posts on good blogs.
One of the coolest things about guest posting is that one can leverage the fame of their guest post to create a buzz for their own blog. This can be accomplished by mentioning big bloggers in the guest post and also give them a reason to tweet or promote all the follow up posts that one can do. More than reaching out to the audience one, the best practice is to create a follow up content that helps in building up the relationship.
The results of an excellent guest post are always cumulative; the bloggers built more momentum, more the number of posts they create. A guest post needs to have ten years’ strategy and not just ten years. It should rank well on Google for the specific keyword phrase and thus continuously benefit one’s own site and goals. The guest post should boost the credibility and reputation in the niche. It should help the blogger create new contacts in the industry. And most importantly the guest post should create a discussion on the post elsewhere. In order to create posts that produce results for years, it is important to perform solid keyword research and create exhaustive posts that cover all the issues.
One of the most important blogging services for small businesses is to stick around the post and answer every single question in the comments section. It is at the comments section that long term relationships are built for the readers who are reaching at a new blog. The ideas in the comments section can also serve as an idea for a new blog.
One of the most crucial tactics for writing a successful guest post is aiming the post at beginners as most of them who interact with the content, subscribe to the email list and eventually becomes prospects for the brand.
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